Peer-reviewed publications
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2024)
Stäbler, S. and Haenlein, M. (2024), “The unheard voice of marketing research: Breaking through to news and social media,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (published online first).
Marketing Letters (2024)
Stäbler, S. and Gala, P. (2024), “Breaking the news: how does CEO media coverage influence consumer and investor evaluations?,” Marketing letters (published online first).
International Journal of Research in Marketing (2023)
Stäbler, S., Himme, A., Edeling, A., and Backhaus, M. (2023), “How Firm Communication Affacts the Impact of Layoff Announcements on Brand Strenght over Time,” International Journal of Research in Marketing, in press.
Marketing Letters (2021)
Stäbler, S. and Mierisch, K. (2021), “The Street Music Business: Consumer Responses to Buskers Performing on the Street and on Online Video Platforms,” Marketing letters, 33, 325-350.
Journal of Advertising Research (2021)
Stäbler, S. (2020), “Why Cheap, Low-Quality Giveaways Are Bad for Brands: Quality of Freebies Drives Consumer Attitudes, But Personalization can help,” Journal of Advertising Research, 61 (2), 164-177
Journal of Marketing (2020)
Stäbler, S., and Fischer, M. (2020), “When Does Corporate Social Irresponsibility Become News? Evidence from More Than 1,000 Brand Transgressions Across Five Countries,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (3), 46–67.

Other research-related activities
Presentations at academic conferences
- May 25, 2023. “How Do Loyalty Programs Influence Consumer Responses to Crises?” EMAC Conference, Odense.
- November 4, 2022. Does Marketing Influence Regulatory Behavior? An Empirical Study of Marketing Determinants and Consequences of Safety Inspections,” SMA Conference, Charlotte (NC)
- June 1, 2022. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception,” AMA Global Conference, Chania.
- April 1, 2022. “Does Sponsoring Always Make Sense? The Impact of Sponsorship Announcements on Consumer Evaluations and Stock Return,” Brand Camp (University of Innsbruck), Obergurgl.
- February 19, 2021. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception,” AMA Winter Conference (digital conference).
- February 14, 2020. “The Impact of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events on Consumer and Shareholder Perception: A Comparison of Five Countries,” AMA winter conference, San Diego.
- November 8, 2019. “Media Coverage of CEOs and its Impact on Customer Brand and Shareholder Perception,” SMA conference, New Orleans.
- November 2, 2018. “When Do Media Report Negative News About a Brand: A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Five Countries” SMA conference, West Palm Beach.
- June 14, 2018. “The Impact of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events on Consumer and Shareholder Perception: A Comparison of Five Countries,” 40th ISMS Marketing Science Conference Marketing Science, Philadelphia.
- May 24, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News About a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” EMAC Conference, Groningen.
- September 26, 2016. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News about a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events across Six Countries,” Annual Symposium on Quantitative Marketing, Tübingen.
- May 24, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News About a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” EMAC Conference, Groningen.
- June 1, 2023. “Why do Media Report About Academic Research? An Empirical Study of Over 15,000 Marketing Articles,” AMA global conference, Odense.
- August 29, 2022. “Does Marketing Influence Regulatory Behavior? An Empirical Study of Marketing Determinants and Consequences of Safety Inspections,” Young European Scholar Conference, Groningen.
- May 27, 2022. “Does Marketing Influence Regulatory Behavior? An Empirical Study of Marketing Determinants and Consequences of Safety Inspections,” EMAC Conference, Budapest.
- July 3, 2021. “How Do Media Report About Academic Research? An Empirical Study of Over 15,000 Marketing Articles,” EMAC conference, ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Florida (digital conference).
- May 28, 2021. “How Do Media Report About Academic Research? An Empirical Study of Over 15,000 Marketing Articles,” EMAC conference, Madrid (digital conference).
- November 5, 2020. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception,” SMA Conference, Forth Worth (digital conference).
- November 16, 2019. “The Impact of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events on Consumer and Shareholder Perception: A Comparison of Five Countries,” KSMS International Conference, Seoul.
- May 20, 2019. “Which Corporate Social Responsibility Activity has the Greatest Impact on Consumers and Investors? An Event Study International Consumer Brand Relationship Conference, Cancun.
- February 26, 2018. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News About a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” Media Bias Workshop, Cologne.
- May 22, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News about a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events across Six Countries,” EMAC Doctoral Colloquium, Groningen.
- June 16, 2016. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News About a Brand? An Investigation across six countries,” 38th ISMS Marketing Science Conference, Shanghai.
May 2, 2015. “Unethical Corporate Behaviour and Customer Brand Perception – A Cross-cultural Study,” Inequality, Trust and Ethics Conference, London.
Presentations at research seminar series
- October 28, 2023. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception”, Bocconi University, Milan.
- August 31, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News about a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” Auckland University of Technology, Auckland.
- August 16, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News About a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” University of Auckland, Auckland.
- September 7, 2023. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception”, Seeburg Castle University, Seekirchen am Wallersee.
- December 2, 2019. “Media Coverage of CEO’s and Its Impact on Consumer and Shareholder Perception”, Tilburg University, Tilburg.
- August 23, 2017. “When Do Journalists Report Negative News about a Brand? A Study of Corporate Social Irresponsibility Events Across Six Countries,” Massey University, Auckland.
- October 1, 2015. “Bias in and Diffusion of Brand Crises in Public Media,” Research Seminar Series, Boppard.